Darul Fath is an institute of traditional Islamic knowledge with the mission of fostering devotion through knowledge. It is a multi-year program focused on developing students ready to be the next generation’s scholars whose job is to preserve, understand, and service the Islamic tradition as understood by the unbroken chain of scholars connecting our teachers back to the Messenger ï·º.

The word used to describe the word is tabahhur, which means to dive deeply, or immerse one's self. It is a fitting description for a serious program meant to train the next generation of Muslim scholars in America. This program is the most authentic representation of how ilm was passed down from generation to generation. The program is centered around mashayikh who took the tradition at the foot of the giants: scholars like Habib Umar bin Hafiz, Murabit al-Hajj, Shaykh Samir Al-Nass, and others, who took the tradition from their teachers, all the way back to the Beloved ï·º.
Safina Society began with the Sunday 'Uwaylim Scholarship Track class, taught by Dr. Shadee Elmasry at the New Brunswick Islamic Center. Darul Fath is the extension of that initiative, diving deeper into the world of scholarship for those whose commitment has solidified and matured. While instruction is in English, we use Arabic texts that have been studied throughout the ages across the umma.

This program is a comprehensive study of the Islamic sciences. The program focuses on cultivating a true Talib ul-Ilm (seeker of sacred knowledge). Year 1 of the program focuses on Arabic, Fiqh, and Aqida. Future years of the program continue with these core sciences and introduce other sciences such as Usul-ul-Fiqh, Mantiq (Logic), Hadith, and more.